Making A Difference In Our Communities

Supporting education and innovation.

M.A.D.I.O.C. Inc. is a youth outreach program that specializes in mentoring, tutorial, community service, and Life Skills Training.

M.A.D.I.O.C. Inc. is 501 (c) 3 tax exempt. Prior to receiving it's 501 (c) 3 funding has been provided out of pocket by the Mentors, Board of Directors, Game Plan Entertainment and members of the community.

Sankofa Scholarship

M.A.D.I.O.C INC Sankofa Collegiate Scholarships are memorial scholarships that were established to honor the loved ones of our founder and CEO and support students in need. 

Partners and Sponsors

It truly takes a village. Find out more about how to become one of our Partners or Sponsors.

S.L.I.C.E. Club

M.A.D.I.O.C. feeds and clothes the hungry/homeless every 3rd Sunday. We need help organizing and collecting clothes, toiletries, shoes, t-shirts and blankets for men and women. This can be done like peer to peer by simply canvassing your network of friends and family members.

“Attitude determines your altitude.”

— Bria Stanley, M.A.D.I.O.C. Inc. Board of Directors


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

(404) 354-6079